Bob McCann Memorial Cup |
to the player with the seasons highest average.
McCann sadly passed away only a year after the
team were formed, so having given the team it's
name, the players thought it would be fitting
to engrave the main trophy in Bob's Honour.
Dave Pryce is currently the proud holder of this
award after finishing season 2014/15 with an average
of 31.73.
Previous winners have been:
Ian Collins (17), Rob Weale
(3), Mark Williams & Stuart Griffiths.
Les Ball Memorial Cup |
to the most improved player of the season.
Ball was a founder member who sadly passed away
on 9th August 2003. It was an honour for all to
have such a great man as a team mate. He showed
the way with his endless enthusiasm & had a
fantastic sense of humour. Having played a big part
in helping the Tatti's win every division, he retired
true champion in 1997.
The cup is kindly donated by former Tatti Chris
Thomas & is currently held by Russell Cheasley
who improved his previous seasons average by 2.04
pins. |
Jack Kearn
Memorial Cup |
to the player with the highest score.
Kearn was a founder member of the team and played
42 matches. This cup was kindly presented to the
team by his relatives and because Jack was the first
player to achieve 40 at their first home alley (Golden
Lion), it was obvious to all that it should be presented
to the player with the highest score of the season.
Current holder is Ali Hunt (48).
Steve Vaughan 'loads-of-money' Cup |
to the player paying the most fines.
member Steve Vaughan was forced to place his skittles
activities on hold when he decided to enroll on
an Architects course at University. On his departure
he presented this trophy.
The cup is currently held by Stuee Griffiths.
Others who have been presented with it are Gareth
Embry (3),
Russell Cheasley
(2), Allan
Farr, Rodders (2), Stuee Griffiths
(2), Big Ron, Mark Jones (2),
Hill, Hans Baranzeck, Martin
Price, Craig Stephens, & Mark Williams.